Martin Luther Kin gJr. Memorial Baptist CHurch - Renton, WA

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Baptist Church



The Social Justice Ministry of Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Baptist Church works to address the root cause of modern-day injustices.

The ministry looks to serve as a communal awareness clearinghouse by sharing information, convening social justice events, and facilitating calls to action.

Our desire is to be a catalyst for justice within Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Baptist Church, the Pacific Northwest area, our nation, and the world.

●  The ministry's work is built on biblical foundational principles. Each have a dedicated subcommittee that works to bring these spiritual principles into concrete manifestation.

● Work with those marginalized in the community creating programs that reach and provide for their needs.

● A conduit between the church and government in advocating for issues of injustices within the community.

● To ensure the safety and Security of the worshiping congregation